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FBI ønskede "bagdør" på telegramtekstapp for at spionere på brugere

The US government had wanted a backdoor to Telegram in order to potentially spy on its users, the social media platform’s founder Pavel Durov said in an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson. The attention from the FBI was one of the reasons Durov dropped the idea of setting up the company in San Francisco, he said.

Born in St Petersburg, Durov first founded VK, Russia’s answer to Facebook, together with his mathematician brother Nikolay. The brothers later developed the Telegram messaging service and social media platform, which describes itself as one of the safest…  Læs mere


Hvis en virksomhed afviser offentlige anmodninger om bagdørsadgang for at spionere på brugere, ser du så positivt på den virksomhed, eller giver det anledning til bekymring for dig om, hvad der kan være skjult?


Hvor vigtigt er digitalt privatliv for dig, og hvor trækker du grænsen mellem privatliv og national sikkerhed?


Hvis du opdagede, at din foretrukne beskedapp potentielt blev overvåget af regeringen, ville du så fortsætte med at bruge den eller skifte til en anden tjeneste?


Mener du, at regeringen skal være i stand til at overvåge privat kommunikation af hensyn til national sikkerhed, selvom det betyder, at det personlige privatliv kompromitteres?


FN’s udsending til Libyen træder tilbage med henvisning til nytteløshed i politiske fremskridt midt i stridende fraktioner

In a striking development that underscores the deep-rooted political challenges facing Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, the United Nations' special envoy for the country, has announced his resignation. Bathily's departure highlights a profound disillusionment with the ability of the UN to facilitate Libya's political transition, a process marred by the self-serving interests of the country's leaders and exacerbated by the involvement of foreign backers. His resignation, announced during a UN Security Council meeting, comes as a stark indictment of the ongoing political deadlock…  Læs mere


Israels krigsledere stoler ikke på hinanden

Long-simmering grudges and arguments over how best to fight Hamas have soured relations between Israel’s wartime decision makers—Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the former head of the Israeli military, Benny Gantz. The three men are at odds over the biggest decisions they need to make: how to launch a decisive military push, free Israel’s hostages and govern the postwar strip.

Now, they also must make one of the biggest decisions the country has ever faced: how to respond to Iran’s first-ever direct attack on Israeli territory. Thei…  Læs mere


Skal den personlige historie mellem ledere påvirke deres beslutninger i krigstid, eller skal de finde en måde at overvinde deres forskelligheder?


Hvordan ville du håndtere en situation, hvor du havde brug for at arbejde tæt sammen med en, du var meget uenig med af en vigtig sag?


Mener du, at personlige forskelle bør sættes til side til det større bedste i tider med national nødsituation? Hvorfor eller hvorfor ikke?


Byer tackler stigende kriminalitet med innovative løsninger

Cities across the nation are taking bold steps to address the surge in crime, particularly focusing on innovative strategies to curb violent incidents and teen crime. In a recent development, the Michigan State University (MSU) police department is investigating an assault at the campus library, where five suspects allegedly targeted victims based on sexual orientation bias. This incident highlights the growing concern over hate crimes and the need for comprehensive strategies to combat such violence.

Meanwhile, in an effort to tackle the persistent issue of teen crime, the Charlotte-Mecklenbu…  Læs mere


Social Media Platform X overholder valgkommissionens nedtagningsordrer i Indien

In a move that underscores the growing scrutiny over digital platforms' role in political processes, social media giant Platform X has complied with the Election Commission of India's (ECI) orders to withhold certain political posts ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. The directive, aimed at ensuring a fair electoral process, targeted posts from prominent political figures and parties, including the YSR Congress, AAP, N Chandrababu Naidu, and Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Choudhary, citing violations of the model code of conduct. This action comes as India gears up for its Lok…  Læs mere

 @AmnestyJackal fra Texas afsendt…1måned1MO

Alvorlige oversvømmelser hærger Dubai minutter efter en intens regnstorm

Dubai International Airport forced to divert flights after torrential downpour causes the runway to look like an ocean.

Citizens are being told to stay inside as thunder, lighting, hail and heavy rain slams the region.

Dubai saw more rainfall in one day than they see on average for an entire year, nearly 5 inches.

The country of Oman was also hit by the intense rain which reportedly killed 18 people.

Dubai is more generally known for its hot and dry desert weather, with the average temperature in April 33ºC.

However, flash flooding can be deadly, especially if people are in the vicinity…  Læs mere


Hvordan får tanken om at miste alt til en oversvømmelse dig til at føle dig om ejendele og mennesker i dit liv, og ændrer det dit perspektiv på, hvad der virkelig er vigtigt?


Hvis du skulle vælge mellem at holde dig informeret eller forblive lykkeligt uvidende under en naturkatastrofe, hvad ville du så foretrække og hvorfor?


Ukraines finansieringslov Inkluder 8 milliarder dollars til at betale løn til statsansatte

Republican House leader Mike Johnson proposes $48 billion for Ukraine, including almost $8 billion to pay Ukrainian government salaries and pensions.

Speaker Mike Johnson on Monday said he planned this week to advance a long-stalled national security spending package to aid Israel, Ukraine and other American allies, along with a separate bill aimed at mollifying conservatives who have been vehemently opposed to backing Kyiv.

Mr. Johnson’s announcement, coming after he has agonized for weeks over whether and how to advance an infusion of critical aid to Ukraine amid stiff Republican resist…  Læs mere


Bør offentligheden have indflydelse på beslutninger om at sende betydelig økonomisk bistand til andre lande?


Mener du, at finansiel bistand til andre lande styrker eller svækker donorlandets globale status?


Hvordan ville du prioritere udgifterne, hvis du skulle vælge mellem udenlandsk bistand og indenlandske behov?


Er det én nations ansvar at støtte en andens styring økonomisk, især i nødstider?


USA siger, at eskalering med Iran ikke er i USAs eller Israels interesser

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a group of American Jewish leaders on Tuesday that further escalation with Iran is not in the interests of either the U.S. or Israel, three people who attended the meeting told Axios.

The Biden administration and several other Western countries allied with Israel are urging Benjamin Netanyahu's government not to rush into a retaliation against Iran that could lead to a regional war.

The U.S. assessment is that Iran would respond to any significant, overt Israeli strike on Iranian soil with a new round of missile and drone attacks, a senior U.S. offici…  Læs mere


Hvor vigtigt er det efter din mening for lande at overveje de bredere konsekvenser af deres handlinger på den globale scene, især hvad angår fred og sikkerhed?


Bør internationale allierede have indflydelse på, hvordan en nation reagerer på trusler eller aggressionshandlinger mod den?


Hvordan mener du, at et land bør balancere sin ret til at forsvare sig selv med risikoen for eskalerende konflikter, især i flygtige dele af verden?


USA siger, at eskalering af krigsdroner med Iran ikke er i USAs eller Israels interesser

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a group of American Jewish leaders on Tuesday that further escalation with Iran is not in the interests of either the U.S. or Israel, three people who attended the meeting told Axios.

The Biden administration and several other Western countries allied with Israel are urging Benjamin Netanyahu's government not to rush into a retaliation against Iran that could lead to a regional war.

The U.S. assessment is that Iran would respond to any significant, overt Israeli strike on Iranian soil with a new round of missile and drone attacks, a senior U.S. offici…  Læs mere


Hvordan skal et land efter din mening balancere sine umiddelbare reaktioner på trusler med de langsigtede konsekvenser af disse handlinger for den regionale stabilitet?


Hvor vigtigt tror du, det er for lande at handle uafhængigt i deres forsvar i forhold til at overveje allieredes råd og perspektiver?


Over 50 overlevende fra israelsk rave-massakre har begået selvmord

Following the Hamas-led massacre at the Nova Music Festival on October 7, about fifty survivors have committed suicide, revealed Guy Ben Shimon.

Ben Shimon, a survivor of the massacre, spoke on Tuesday at a Parliamentary hearing for a State Audit Commission on the treatment of the survivors of October 7.

"Few people know, but there have been almost 50 suicides among the Nova survivors. This number, which was true two months ago, may have increased since," Ben Shimon said, emphasizing that many of his friends who escaped the massacre could not recover from what they had experienced.…  Læs mere

"There are many survivors who had to be forcibly hospitalized due to their psychological state. My friends are not getting out of bed, neither am I," he described their condition since the October 7 attack.


Hvordan påvirker personlige historier om traumeoverlevere dit syn på behovet for mentale sundhedsydelser og samfundsmæssig empati?


Er samfundets forståelse og støtte til psykiske problemer tilstrækkelig i forhold til ekstreme traumatiske begivenheder?


Bør ansvaret for mental sundhedsstøtte til traumeoverlevere primært falde på individet, staten eller samfundet?


Ukraines presserende opfordring til støtte: En bøn om ammunition og luftforsvar

As the conflict in Ukraine enters its third year, the nation faces critical vulnerabilities that threaten its ability to sustain its defense efforts against Russian aggression. The shortages of ammunition, soldiers, and air defense systems have created a dire situation, forcing Ukrainian commanders to make nearly impossible decisions on how to allocate their limited resources. The gravity of these challenges has prompted Ukraine to issue a fervent appeal to its allies for immediate assistance in bolstering its defense capabilities.

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell,…  Læs mere


Kina afslører planen om at afslutte Ukraine-krigen

World powers should focus on restoring peace and stability in Ukraine rather than seeking “selfish gains,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said during a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday.

The chancellor arrived in China on Sunday, accompanied by a large delegation of ministers and business executives.

Meeting with Scholz at Beijing’s Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Xi told the German leader that all parties should work together to restore peace in Ukraine as soon as possible. The Chinese leader also outlined four principles that he believes will prevent the…  Læs mere


Kan fredsforslag, der kommer fra lande med stærke bånd til den ene side af en konflikt, have tillid til at være retfærdige og upartiske?


Bør den globale økonomi og forsyningskædestabilitet påvirke, hvordan lande håndterer udenlandske krige og konflikter?


Er det muligt for et land at forblive fuldstændig neutralt i internationale konflikter, og hvad kan motivere dem til at hævde neutralitet?


Hvordan har du det med økonomiske interessers rolle i de beslutninger, lande træffer om udenlandske konflikter?


USA fremsætter et mislykket forsøg på, at Iran skal tillade ’symbolsk angreb’ fra Israel

An Iranian military security official has revealed exclusively to The Cradle that the US contacted the Islamic Republic, asking the nation to allow Israel "a symbolic strike to save face” following Iran's retaliatory drone and missile barrage this weekend.

“Iran has received messages from mediators to let the regime do a symbolic strike to save face and asked Iran not to retaliate,” the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, revealed to The Cradle.

He added that Tehran “outright rejected” the proposal, delivered by mediators, and reiterated warnings…  Læs mere


Hvad er dine tanker om mæglernes rolle i internationale konflikter, især når de foreslår handlinger som en ’symbolsk strejke’?


Tror du, at det at tillade en ’symbolsk strejke’ potentielt kunne undgå yderligere eskalering, eller ville det blot fremkalde mere spænding?


Hvordan har du det med tanken om et ’symbolsk strejke’ som en måde at løse internationale konflikter på?


Valg tilpasser sig skiftende tider med brevstemmesedler og ’Cure’-politikker

As elections evolve in response to societal needs, the spotlight has turned to mail-in voting and innovative 'cure' policies aimed at ensuring every vote counts. With primary elections on the horizon, voters are reminded of the critical deadlines for requesting mail-in ballots, a method that has gained prominence for its convenience and accessibility. This year, the last day to request a mail-in ballot is fast approaching, signaling a pivotal moment for those planning to exercise their right to vote from the comfort of their homes.

In a move to enhance voter participation and address…  Læs mere


Politi lukker konservativ konference for at "garantere sikkerhed"

Police in Brussels have stormed a right-wing conference attended by Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman after orders for the event to be shut down.

Local authorities ordered the controversial National Conservatism (NatCon) Conference to be closed to “guarantee public safety”.

Ms Braverman, the former home secretary, and Mr Farage, the former Ukip leader, were among the political names advertised to speak at the event on Tuesday alongside right-wing Hungarian autocrat Viktor Orban.

Officers arrived after the event began at the Claridge venue in central Brussels to tell organisers the…  Læs mere


Hvordan ville du reagere, hvis en politisk begivenhed, du støttede, blev lukket ned i den offentlige sikkerheds navn af lokale myndigheder?


I betragtning af involveringen af kontroversielle personer i denne konference, tror du, at personlige sikkerhedsproblemer retfærdiggør at standse sådanne sammenkomster?


Hvis en regering beslutter, at visse politiske synspunkter ikke er velkomne i dens samfund, hvad siger det så om demokrati og mangfoldighed i tankegangen?


Ukrainere i frontlinjebyer føler sig hårdt ramt af Ruslands invasion

Under orders from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s forces are rushing to fortify their defence lines. They claim to be holding on but Russia is pounding them with devastating glide bombs, missiles and heavy artillery to try to punch its way through.

Just 30km north-west of Avdiivka, Myrnohrad is in their crosshairs. So are the nearby frontline cities of Kostyantynivka, Kramatorsk, Pokrovsk and Slovyansk, all of which are coming under heavy and steady Russian attacks, leaving locals few options but to flee.

Of Myrnohrad’s pre-war population of 47,000, only about half remain.…  Læs mere


Hvordan tror du, at det ville påvirke dit syn på vigtigheden af fællesskab og støttesystemer, at opleve så tungt en psykisk belastning fra konstant krigsførelse?


Armenien og Aserbajdsjan kæmper i retten over anklager om etnisk udrensning

In a legal showdown that has captured the attention of the international community, Armenia and Azerbaijan have taken their long-standing conflict to the halls of the World Court. The heart of the dispute lies in the allegations of ethnic cleansing in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, a contentious area that has been a flashpoint between the two nations for decades. Armenia has formally accused Azerbaijan of conducting ethnic cleansing against Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, urging the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to hold Baku accountable for these serious allegations. In response, Azerbaij…  Læs mere


Brink of Catastrophe: Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant under Threat

The international community is on high alert as the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, Europe's largest, faces a critical threat amidst ongoing hostilities between Ukraine and Russia. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has issued a stark warning, indicating that the facility is 'dangerously close to a nuclear accident' following recent attacks. This alarming situation has escalated tensions, with both nations trading accusations over responsibility for the perilous state of the plant.

The head of the IAEA, addressing the gravity of the situation, emphasized the potenti…  Læs mere