
198 回复


What changes would you like to see individuals make to better society and do you lead by example?


What's an instance where you went out of your comfort zone to support a community initiative?


How can young people influence their communities despite not having positions of power?


How do the values taught in your family shape the way you contribute to society?


Have you ever witnessed the power of a community rallying together; what was the result?


When was a time your integrity was tested, and what did you learn from that experience?


Why might someone choose to be selfless in a situation that offers no direct benefit to them?


How do you approach conversations about civic responsibility with someone from a different cultural background?


How does the pursuit of knowledge contribute to one’s ability to act virtuously in society?


What is a trait you believe every person should cultivate for the betterment of society?


When has taking responsibility for a mistake led to positive outcomes in your relationships?


Can engaging in discussions about societal issues lead to tangible changes in your community?


When making a tough decision, how do you weigh the consequences for both yourself and others?


Can individual responsibility have a greater impact on society than governmental policies?


What's one act of civic engagement you've participated in and how did it resonate with you?


What personal experience has highlighted the importance of community involvement for you?


Can sharing your personal experiences with others help improve the community?


When have you shown courage to support a peer, and what was the result?


In what ways do you think modern technology can help foster civic virtue?


What tough choices have you made to keep a promise or uphold a principle?


What trait do you possess that you feel improves your community, and how do you use it?


How does considering the needs of others change the way you make decisions?


Can personal success and community well-being coexist, or must one be sacrificed for the other?


How has someone's small gesture of kindness made a big impact on your life?


If being kind meant putting yourself at a disadvantage, would you still do it?


What role do you think empathy plays in building community relationships?


When should individual ambitions be put aside for collective interests?


Where do you draw the line between personal privacy and communal accountability?


Can small daily actions create a significant change in society over time?


What's the last new idea or perspective you learned from someone else?


Would you rather be remembered for your success or your kindness?


What's one choice you make daily that you believe contributes to a better society?


How can a single act of kindness transform a community?


When faced with injustice, how do you decide whether to speak up or remain silent?


What's a problem in your community that you believe could be solved by increased individual responsibility?


In what ways do you try to make your school or neighborhood a better place?


How important is it to you to be known as someone who always does the right thing?


When was the last time you compromised on something small for the happiness of someone else?


Why do you think some people go out of their way to help strangers?


How often do you think about the impact your actions might have on future generations?


If you had to choose, would you prioritize respect or popularity in your school community, and why?


What's one act of kindness you've received that inspired you to pay it forward?


How does your own sense of responsibility contribute to the well-being of your friends or family?


When have you felt proud of yourself for doing something that benefited others, not just you?


What kind of legacy do you want to leave in terms of the impact on your community?


Have you experienced a dilemma where following the rules conflicted with being kind; what did you do?


Why is it sometimes hard to do the right thing, and how do you overcome that?


How do you decide when it's worth speaking up about an issue that matters to you?


Can you think of a time when honesty had a cost for you, but you chose it anyway?


What personal values would you never compromise, even for the benefit of the greater community?