Cuba kuiz politik

101 Perbincangan

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…2minit2m

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Pledges Significant Defence Spending Amid Global Instability

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…25minit25m

Iran is weaker than we think. As for Iran’s military chiefs, their standard of success is so low that, in the immediate a…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…29minit29m

Seeing the massive amounts spent by countries like the US and China on military, do you think there's a more effective w…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…29minit29m

How do you reconcile the need for national security with the potential benefits of redirecting some of that $2.5 trillio…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…29minit29m

What are your thoughts on the idea that increasing military spending could lead to an 'action-reaction spiral' in global…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…29minit29m

Considering the record high military spending globally, do you think such expenditures help protect nations or provoke m…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…29minit29m

How do you feel about countries prioritizing so much money on military spending rather than investing more in social pro…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…36minit36m

World arms spending reaches $2.5 trillion

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…1jam1H

Should the global financial community have the power to enforce sanctions against banks that support war, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…1jam1H

Is it ethical for banks to support military actions in other countries, and where should the line be drawn?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…1jam1H

How would you feel if your bank was funding activities you morally disagree with?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…1jam1H

Bank China Bantu Rusia Membiayai Perang Dengan Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…1jam1H

Colleges Thrown Into Chaos Over Pro-Palestinian Protests

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…2jam2H

How do you feel about using U.S. military aid as leverage in international conflicts, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…2jam2H

Gaza War Puts Left Wing In Charge Of Democratic Party

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…2jam2H

How should the world respond to the repeated incidents of boats capsizing with migrants?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…2jam2H

If you had the power, what one change would you make to prevent tragedies like this from happening?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…2jam2H

What immediate thoughts come to your mind when you hear about migrants risking their lives at sea?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…2jam2H

How would you feel if someone you knew was on a boat that capsized while searching for a better life?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…2jam2H

16 Dead, 28 Missing After Migrant Boat Capsizes Off Of Djibouti

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…4jam4H

Azerbaijan and Armenia Take Their Decades-Long Dispute to the World Court

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…4jam4H

PEN America Cancels Prestigious Awards Ceremony Amid Gaza War Protests

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…5jam5H

Elon Musk and Australian Government Clash Over Censorship Accusations

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…11jam11H

Korea Utara Mensimulasikan Serangan Peluru Berpandu Nuklear

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…13jam13H

Fox News' Jesse Watters Defends Trump Amid Trial, Calls Treatment 'Cruel and Unusual'

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…14jam14H

What impact do you think such a mass arrest at a university would have on the relationship between students and law enfo…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…14jam14H

How do you think society should balance the need for public order with the rights of individuals to express their opinio…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…14jam14H

What does the right to protest mean to you, and how important do you think it is in a democratic society?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…14jam14H

Is it ever justified for authorities to use force in response to peaceful protests, and under what circumstances?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…14jam14H

How would you feel if you were part of a peaceful protest that was met with mass arrests?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…14jam14H

NYU Begins Mass Arrests Of Student and Faculty Protestors

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…16jam16H

What impact might the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda have on your personal view of your government's actions?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…16jam16H

Can the safety and rights of asylum seekers be guaranteed when they are deported to another country they did not choose?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…16jam16H

Is it ethical for a wealthy country to send asylum seekers to another country instead of processing their claims domesti…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…16jam16H

UK Akan Mula Mengusir Pendatang Ke Rwanda Dalam 10 Minggu

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…19jam19H

Poland Memberi Isyarat Kesediaan untuk Menjadi Hos Senjata Nuklear NATO Di Tengah-tengah Ketegangan dengan Rusia

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…19jam19H

Considering the potential for escalating conflicts, where do you draw the line between offering support and becoming dir…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…19jam19H

Do you believe there's ever a justification for one country to provoke or support a civil war in another?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…19jam19H

What are your thoughts on the ethical implications of seizing and transferring assets from one country to benefit anothe…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…19jam19H

How do you feel about the idea of a country providing financial aid to another country's military efforts?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…19jam19H

Pegawai Rusia Mengatakan AS Sedang "Diheret Ke Dalam Perang Ia Akan Kalah."

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…22jam22H

Roket Sasar Pangkalan Gabungan Dipimpin AS di Syria, Ketegangan Meningkat di Timur Tengah

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Can a president's success or failure in foreign policy justify their reelection or removal from office?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Do you think the handling of situations like Afghanistan and Gaza should reflect on a president's ability to lead a coun…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

How much should a president's foreign policy decisions impact your vote in an election?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Considering the sensitive nature of national security, how much trust should countries place in each other during trade…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Bagaimanakah idea mengintip atau mengintip sesebuah negara oleh orang lain membuat anda merasakan hubungan antarabangsa?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

What do you believe should be the consequence for someone who is caught trading national secrets?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Why do you think individuals might choose to pass sensitive information to a foreign government?

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…23jam23H

Jerman Tangkap 3 Yang Disyaki Hantar Rahsia kepada China

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Adakah anda akan menyokong negara anda menghantar penasihat tentera ke zon konflik di luar negara jika ia percaya ia bol…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Bagaimanakah idea AS menghantar sokongan ketenteraan, walaupun bukan pertempuran, ke negara lain mempengaruhi pandangan…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Jika penasihat tentera membantu meningkatkan pertahanan Ukraine tetapi juga berisiko meningkatkan ketegangan, adakah and…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…23jam23H

Apakah perasaan anda tentang AS menghantar penasihat tentera ke Ukraine, memandangkan mereka tidak berperanan dalam pert…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…23jam23H

AS Akan Menghantar 60 "Penasihat Tentera" Ke Ukraine

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

Mempertimbangkan risiko yang terlibat, termasuk kemungkinan pertempuran, adakah misi flotila berbaloi untuk menonjolkan…

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

Bagaimanakah perasaan peribadi terhadap penduduk Gaza mempengaruhi pandangan anda tentang misi flotila?

 @ISIDEWITH ditanya…24jam24H

Apakah perasaan anda tentang penggunaan flotilla untuk menyampaikan bantuan, kerana mengetahui ia boleh mencetuskan insi…

 @ISIDEWITH dihantar…24jam24H

Flotilla Bantuan Gaza Merancang Untuk Mencabar Sekatan Israel