Yes, there is too much fake news and misinformation on social media
No, social media companies are private and should not be regulated by the government
Yes, social media companies are politically biased and need to be regulated
No, the government should not determine what is fake or real news

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 @9HS3G43from Kuala Lumpur answered…4mos4MO

Social media needs regulation but i’m afraid they will become gov propaganda tool is they have control of it.


Yes, but the power should be limited and should not influence what we watch on social media

 @9C9BZVVfrom Kelantan answered…11mos11MO

No, but the government should work with social media companies to control the fake news

 @997GTSYfrom Negeri Sembilan answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but the regulation of fake news should be more transparent and must be more representative with the interests of the general public

 @98QQBZTfrom Kedah answered…1yr1Y

No, but the government should routinely fact-check the legitimacy of information of sources and 'award'' them if they pass the check, indicating to the people that this site has been reviewed and approved of/recommended by the government

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