Try the political quiz



No, we should have the choice of voting like in America because not everyone has a good understanding of voting, and so not everyone really cares of what should go on.


Yes. Any person who is old enough to pay taxes should have the right to vote, BUT... we should Not be forced to vote. Make voting a choice. Remove the legal obligation for every Australian citizen over the age of 18, to vote.


How do you personally feel about teens having the power to shape future elections through voting?


Do you think you're ready right now to be part of a major decision that impacts your country, and why?


What age do you believe someone becomes 'mature enough' to make decisions about government, and what does maturity mean to you?


How would you feel if a law was passed allowing people your age to vote tomorrow, and what changes do you think it would create?


Should younger people have a say in government decisions that will affect them for most of their lives, or should experience take precedence?


Do you think being more involved in politics earlier in life makes you more responsible and aware, or can it lead to confusion?


If you could change one thing about how voting works today, what would it be and why?


What is it about someone’s age that makes them capable or incapable of making informed decisions about leadership?


Can personal experiences and challenges faced by younger generations provide valuable insights that older generations may overlook in elections?


What impact do you think lowering the voting age might have on social issues that directly affect young people, such as climate change or education?


Yes, any citizen that pays taxes should be allowed to vote but not compulsory until 18.


Yes, age they can legally get their learner's permit but voluntary until 18 years old.