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If you were given the opportunity to teach a class based on your passions, what would it look like and how would you ensure it aligns with essential educational goals?


How do you think technology should be integrated into education to better prepare students for the future?


In your experience, how well does your current education system cater to diverse learning styles and backgrounds?


What are your thoughts on testing as a measure of student success and school quality?


Have you ever felt unprepared for a college-level course or job function, and how do you think your school could have better prepared you?


How do you think the emphasis on English and Math affects students with interests primarily in other areas?


If you could add or remove one subject from your current school syllabus, what would it be and why?


Can you share a time when a specific school lesson made a significant impact on your personal or academic growth?


Do you think the skills you're learning in school will be useful for your future career, and why?
