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 @ISIDEWITH enviat…14h14H

Hong Kong Revokes Passports of Six Exiled Pro-Democracy Activists

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…14h14H

Political Turmoil in South Africa as Zuma's Party Seeks to Block Parliament

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…19 hores19H

Chiquita Brands Ordered to Pay $38.3 Million for Funding Colombian Paramilitary Group

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…20 hores20H

China solar panel costs drop 42% from year ago

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…20 hores20H

Is it ethical for wealthier countries to use tariffs as a tool to pressure other countries into changing their trade pra…

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…20 hores20H

How would you feel if foreign products became more expensive due to increased tariffs, affecting your ability to purchas…

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…20 hores20H

Germany launches bid to avert trade war with China

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…22 hores22H

Should the fear of potential energy shortages and high costs in the future change our approach to fighting climate chang…

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…22 hores22H

If you had to choose between investing in current green technologies that may not be profitable or waiting for more effi…

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…22 hores22H

Do you believe sacrificing current comforts for future environmental benefits is worth it, or should we focus on more im…

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…22 hores22H

How would you prioritize the needs in your personal life: tackling climate change or ensuring you have affordable and re…

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…22 hores22H

The ‘Climate Crisis’ Fades Out

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…22 hores22H

Do you believe that stronger border controls are an effective way to prevent terrorism, and why or why not?

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…22 hores22H

How do you think society should treat individuals from countries associated with terrorism who seek to live in your coun…

 @ISIDEWITH preguntat…22 hores22H

Should the government have more powers to prevent terrorism, even if it means less privacy for citizens?

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…22 hores22H

6 ISIS Terrorists Arrested After Crossing U.S. Border

 @ISIDEWITH enviat…23 hores23H

Secret Tape Exposes Supreme Court Justice Alito's Wife's Controversial Remarks